A Conversation with Adam Nelson

A Conversation with Adam Nelson

After polling my Instagram, my guest this week was the overwhelming favorite. Originally planned for a bit later, Adam took time out of his recently busy schedule to sit down and chat with me. On this episode, we discuss the beginning of his legend, how he came up with his technical model that he is now famous for. A mindset for feeling, guided meditations, the athletes guide to mental training, and NLP. This one is jam packed, folks! However, my sincere apologies for the connectivity issues the last little bit of the show, he ran into some bad timing, unfortunately. Regardless, I hope you enjoy!

Find Adam at:

Instagram | https://instagram.com/adamnelson5376?igshid=hiwu3jx1sh49

Twitter | https://twitter.com/AdamMcNelson


Website | www.kibwejohnson.win

FORTIUS Friday | https://facebook.us18.list-manage.com/subscribe?u=210a62eb84914cf3d4c790772&id=75087a3148

Anchor | https://anchor.fm/kibwe

Facebook | www.facebook.com/kibwejohnson

Instagram | www.instagram.com/martillokibwe

Twitter | www.twitter.com/kibwejohnson

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