Do This if Your Coach Doesn’t Have a System

If you don’t have a coach who has a “system”, don’t try to mimic one from afar.

Here’s why.

Chances are you will






just about everything that the originator of the system intends.

Not because you’re trying to.

Not because you aren’t smart enough to understand.

Because it’s simply human nature.

If you don’t have a coach with a “system”, consider finding the best, most efficient way to move for YOU and you alone.

Watch the ball. She always leaves you clues.

What I’m saying is you’ll be immensely more successful finding your own way than attempting to copy from someone who isn’t your primary coach.

Here’s one of the nicest dudes you’ll ever meet, @szymon_ziolkowski_official, at the Sydney Olympics.

Did you know he was only 20 years old at his first Olympic Games where he finished an impressive 10th?

The Throw that Got Away

How to Think About the Throw