Patience Amidst Goals

The Balance between keeping your future goals in mind and being actively engaged in the present moment is a delicate one.

This delicate balance hinges on your perspective.

It hinges on whether or not words like ‘good’ or ‘bad’ are used frequently as a way to describe the thing you do.

Framing in good/bad leads to feelings of incompleteness, failure, etc.

These feelings disconnect you from the present, keeping you trapped in the past or future.

Keep watch of your goals, yes. But in the periphery. Mind is a guide. It is not what will deliver you your goals.

Results won’t come if all you do is *think* about them.

Stay engaged in the Process of your discipline. This way, being present won’t seem so challenging.

This photo is from the night I first threw 80 meters. I can still smell the grass. What a night!

The ThrillAgony of VictoryDefeat
