Reflections on the Daily Grind

Reflections on the Daily Grind

As the competitive season begins in earnest for most athletes for the first time in almost 2 years, I thought this would be a good time to reflect on the ups and downs of training and competition that we all face.

Many say, “oh, that’s just part of the process.” Or, “it’s supposed to suck.” While these and other similar statements may hold some truth, these sentiments actually bypass what athletes truly go through under the surface. Not to mention, says who?? Who says it’s supposed to suck? Why? Sorry. I don’t buy it.

Anxiety is part of the process.

Being troubled by anxiety is NOT part of the process.

All of this of course is easier said than done. But just like what you do in your individual discipline, with practice you will get better.

And that’s all we can really ask for.

Being content with where you are in your process. Contentment does not mean you’re satisfied and therefore your work is done. Contentment does not mean lazy.

We must de-power some of our vocabulary if we are to a better job as it relates to managing the perception of the “grind” of training.

All of this is to say that being in the present moment is the key to the best version of absolutely anything you wish to do.

When present, there is nothing for your mind to latch on to. You are free to be, feel, and experience your discipline.

Not future.

Nor past.



Transmute the Daily Grind to the Daily Now.

All That I Have

Normal? You Can Keep That