“I’ve Never Thrown So Far So Easily”

“I’ve never thrown that far so easily.”

For the last week, Vlad was in town to do a little throwing and check things out.

Today was his last day and we decided to film a few.

What did we work on while he was here?

First, here is a brief description from Vlad, himself describing his time this last week:

“I came in with an open mind already knowing that Kibwé and I shared a lot of similar views in hammer theory. I was able to walk away with a deeper understanding of two very simple ideas to the throw:

-3/3 tempo

-Creating a system

Although these are words I have used before to describe my throw, Kibwé made it clear that I had no idea what I was doing. I see this adventure I’m starting on with him as now the 3rd iteration of my technique. The future is unknown, but I shall go forth with gusto.”


Did we work on “doing nothing”? Well no, not exactly. Obviously, we do *something* while throwing. I continue to say “do nothing” because—quite frankly— it’s funny, and quirky, and unquestionably has *some* truth to it… 🤷🏾‍♂️

That said, perhaps a way to discuss the topic of doing nothing that would resonate for the most amount of people is to think about *awareness* (or attention).

One definition of ‘bare awareness’ is “detached focused observation of arising phenomena, in the moment and empty of reactive associations.”

This is precisely what I’m speaking of as it relates to the throw.

Phenomena is the feeling


Without the need to interrupt the ball by pulling, rushing, or “pushing.”

So yes, you are in fact doing *something*.

Swipe for the one that got away, then his best throw of the session combining the elements we were working on today.

The last video is Vlad’s 72.54m from Tucson for reference. Do you notice a difference?

*read in the comments for more of what we worked on.

Allow the Hammer to Pull Your Foot Off the Ground

Hammer Throw Positions