“No Move Feet”

Literally - No Move Feet

This week, I was reminded of a turning point in my development with Dr. B.

For whatever reason, Bondarchuk was short tempered this particular session.

Or maybe he wasn’t.

But he certainly had enough of me moving my body [without the hammer]. This was always my biggest issue.

After a throw, I hear, “Kib, nooooooo move FEET!!”, in his rarely boomed voice.

After briefly getting in my feelings for a few minutes (😅).

I came back to the ring frustrated and on a mission.

I set out to spite him. “Fine, you don’t want my feet to move, I won’t move my feet! Because that’s going to go so well..”, I thought.

Wouldn’t you know it, the next throw was phenomenal. Bondarchuk was right again…

This experience really influenced my understanding of how, and more importantly, *why*, we need to move the way we need to move.

Not moving your feet allows the athlete to REACT to the ball.

Consider this: when you got pushed in the back, did you have to think about extending your leg to catch you before falling on your face? Or did you just “catch” yourself?

That’s what I thought.

Hammer Throw Positions

Separation in Hammer Throw Pt II