What Connection Feels Like

I was recently asked what Connection feels like

While I hesitate to define it for you with *my* words, I think I’ve found a way to describe it.

Those who frequently read what I write know that I prefer to not put too much power in any particular word. Because different words mean different things to different people, it makes more sense to trust your feeling while understanding that words are simply guides and NEVER the whole truth.

This speaks to why it’s important to understand that what the throw looks like to the observer is of no consequence, if not from the perspective of attempting to guide the athlete to their own best connection.

Moving on—What does connection feel like?

For some reason, what immediately came to mind was ‘Frequency.’ As in, you and hammer share the same frequency or vibration. Perhaps frequency came to mind because I had just read a fascinating article on ‘Resonance Theory’ a couple days ago. I won’t get into it as I’m not an expert, but I will add that resonance is another word for synchronized vibration.

Perfectly synchronized vibration between you and hammer.

That’s what it feels like to be connected.

I found this gem of @libor_charfreitag in my video vault. Enjoy!

Feel free to geek out on resonance theory and hammer throw in the comments… 👨🏾‍🔬

The Best Throwing is Done Mindfully

Do Nothing and Accomplish Anything